In addition to Evesham, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, BenQ has also launched Santa Rosa platform, a 14.1-inch widescreen Joybook S41 notebook. In the notebook computer has a beautiful array of unique features, including up to 2GB of memory, 160GB hard drive, wireless A / B / g / ñ, NVIDIA's GeForce 8600M and 1.3 million pixel camera. In addition, the Snaat Rosa notebooks will be equipped with an HDMI output, ExpressCard slot. While we have no hint as pricing, respectively Joybook S41 is expected to be launched this month, anytime, anywhere.
Joybook S41: BenQ's Santa Rosa-equipped beauty
Posted by
Saif Ur Rehman
on Friday, September 4, 2009
In addition to Evesham, Dell, Toshiba, Lenovo, BenQ has also launched Santa Rosa platform, a 14.1-inch widescreen Joybook S41 notebook. In the notebook computer has a beautiful array of unique features, including up to 2GB of memory, 160GB hard drive, wireless A / B / g / ñ, NVIDIA's GeForce 8600M and 1.3 million pixel camera. In addition, the Snaat Rosa notebooks will be equipped with an HDMI output, ExpressCard slot. While we have no hint as pricing, respectively Joybook S41 is expected to be launched this month, anytime, anywhere.
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